Dogs are the Best

p.s. this website will make you want a dog!

About the Author

Hi! I am Charlotte Power, a highschool student and this is my website. I LOVE dogs, if you couldn't tell by my website(; I have two dogs myself, both Labordoodles. Although Pitbulls and Chocolate Labs have a special place in my heart. But I don't only love dogs, I love all animals, varied from snakes to kittens. I also love the mountains and cold weather! My favorite sport is Skiing.

    What is the purpose for this website?

  • Well, the main reason for this website is to spread the love for dogs(: I want everyone to think of dogs as something to care for and love and not something to hurt.
  • I want to share my website wiht other dog lovers!
  • I want people to find out how they can get a dog for themselves and how to treat animals.

Why I love dogs

Dogs are my favorite because I think they are sweetest things ever. At least from my personal experiences... I have a special connection with my dogs, I feel as if they understand me and I understand them. Dogs make me feel happy and I dont know if I could live without them.

Click Here My Favorite Dog!!!